Gender Issues

Intelligent Life? If Men are from Mars, & Women are from Venus,..
then I think I must be in the right place,..
here on Earth.

I have "Gender Issues",... for want of a better description (and there are plenty better than that!).
Basically, I don't "get on" with the Fixed BiPolar Gender Scenario.
I know it works for most people & I have frequently wished it did for me too!!
I have lots to say about it & how I feel, but I don't really know how to do so without appearing to rant & rave &/or repeat what I've heard or read from other people, so...

Bart in a dress


There are thousands of sites out there dealing with Gender Issues & related matters,....
I can only link to a few that I've looked at & found useful/informative for myself,...


Two Very Good Books,...
(of which I have multiple copies to lend out to people!!!)
True Selves"The TransGender Debate" - addresses the historical, social, legal and medical issues surrounding the transgender community.
True Selves"True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism - for Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals " - authoritative information and humanitarian insight into the transsexual experience

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Proud Member of the Equality Project

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'ChunderSoft' - 10th July 2005