'Chandra' Logo

'A Little Bit Different',
"Weird At Heart".

welcome to this window into my world.

Things are Changing!!!
I'm adding some new stuff, updating some old stuff,..
revealing some previously 'hidden' stuff..
(I like "stuff" by the way, in case you hadn't noticed!)

This site is basically a collection of links & info. on things that interest me & things that I do,
& maybe they'll interest you too!

Examples include:
My Greetings Page...
(Hello to my friends...)

You can probably find out more about what I'm into from looking through my
than anything I write myself

This site used to belong to a number of WebRings so you could jump to lots of other related sites
however I'm not sure how many of them are working at the moment,
so I need to do some checking & updating,...
(please bear with me)

Mail Me!
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'ChunderSoft' - 10th July 2005